- NS/01/2015 - Supply of Milk
- NS/02/2015 - Supply of Bread
- NS/03/2015 - Supply of foodstuffs - Cereals
- NS/04/2015 - Supply of Poultry products
- NS/05/2015 - Supply of Manufactured foodstuffs
- NS/06/2015 - Supply of beef sausages
- NS/07/2015 - Supply of Fresh vegetables
- NS/08/2015 - Supply of Fresh fruits
- NS/09/2015 - Supply of cleaning materials
- NS/10/2015 - Supply of Electrical materials
- NS/11/2015 - Supply of Firewood and charcoal
- NS/12/2015 - Supply of sports and games equipment
- NS/13/2015- Supply of laboratory equipment
- NS/14/2015 - Supply of vehicle inspection
- NS/15/2015 - Supply of paints
- NS/16/2015 - Supply of stationery
- NS/17/2015 - Supply of sanatorium drugs
- NS/18/2015 - Supply of swimming pool chemicals
- NS/19/2015 - Supply of staff uniforms
- NS/20/2015 - Repair and maintenance of school vehicles
- NS/21/2015 - Printing services
- NS/22/2015 - Repair of office equipment
- NS/23/2015 - Supply of hardware materials
- NS/24/2015 - Supply of textbooks
- NS/25/2015 - Supply of building materials
- NS/26/2015 - Supply of animal feeds and farm inputs
- NS/27/2015 - Supply of petrol and diesel
- NS/28/2015 - Supply of computer and computer accessories/toners/masters and cartridges
- NS/29/2015 - Provision of sanitary services
Tender documents are available in the school's accounts office on payment of a non-refundable fee of Sh1,000/-.
Duly completed tender documents in plain sealed envelops for each tender clearly marked with tender number and addressed to the undersigned should be placed in the tender box outside the school Bursar's office on or before 9 a.m. on Thursday 30 October 2014. Tender opening will take place on the same day at 10a.m. in the School Library. Applicants are invited to witness the opening. (Please ensure that a copy of the receipt issued when purchasing the tender document (s) from the school is enclosed.
All prices should be inclusive of government taxes where applicable.
The school reserves the right to accept or reject any tender.
The Secretary - Board of Management
Nairobi School, PO Box 30047-00100 Nairobi