invites bids from eligible Tenderers for Supply of 66 kV Voltage/ 245 kV Current
The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited hereinafter referred to KPLC
invites bids from eligible Tenderers for Supply of 66 kV Voltage/ 245 kV Current
Transformers Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from
the General Manager, Supply Chain, KPLC at Stima Plaza, 3rd Floor, Kolobot
Road, P.O. Box 30099 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya.
1.2 Obtaining tender documents.
1.2.1 Tender documents detailing the requirements may be obtained from the General
Manager, Supply Chain on 3rd Floor, Stima Plaza, Kolobot Road, Nairobi, on
normal working days from Monday to Friday (excluding any public or gazetted
holiday) beginning on 29/10/2014 between 9.00 a.m. & 12.30 p.m. and 2.00 p.m.
& 4.30 p.m. upon payment of a non–refundable fee of Kenya Shillings One
Thousand Only (KSh. 1,000/=) or the equivalent amount in United States Dollars
(USD) using the selling exchange rate ruling at the date of the tender document
purchase provided by the Central Bank of Kenya (See Central Bank of Kenya Payment shall be made in cash or by Bankers
Cheque at the 1st Floor of Stima Plaza, Kolobot Road, Nairobi, Kenya.
1.2.2 Prospective bidders may also download the tender document from KPLC’s
website ( free of charge. Download tender document here:
Submission of Tender documents
Completed Tenders are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes marked
Tender No.KP1/9AA-3/PT/28/14-15: Supply of 66 kV Voltage and 245 kV
Current Transformers addressed and deposited in the Company Secretary’s
Office located at KPLC premises, Stima Plaza, 7th Floor, Kolobot Road, Nairobi, Kenya so as to be received on or before Tuesday, 18th November 2014 at
1.4 Prices quoted should be net inclusive of all taxes and delivery costs to the
required site (where applicable) and must be in Kenya Shillings or a freely
convertible currency in Kenya and shall remain valid for ninety (90) days from
the closing date of the tender.
1.5 Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in the presence of the Tenderer’s or
their representatives who choose to attend in KPLC Auditorium at Stima Plaza,
Kolobot Road, Parklands, Nairobi.