Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology invites sealed tenders
from eligible candidates for Lease of space in the specified Towns.
1.2 Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information from the
University website or from Procurement office at main
campus Kakamega during normal working hours.
1.3 A complete set of tender document may be obtained by interested candidates
from the University website above.
1.4 Prices quoted should be net inclusively all taxes and delivery costs, must be in
Kenya Shillings and shall remain valid for (120) days from the closing date of
the tender.
1.5 Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in plain sealed envelopes,
marked with the tender number and name and be deposited in the tender Box at
the Vice Chancellors Office in Main Campus Kakamega or be addressed to:
Vice Chancellor
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology,
P.O Box 190 – 50100
So as to be received on or before Tuesday 21st October, 2014 at 12 Hours
1.6 The tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the
candidates representatives who choose to attend.
Download tender document here: