The Mater Hospital invites Bidders who are technically and
financially capable to supply Drugs, Surgical, Laboratory and General Items for
the period March 2013 to February 2014
Tenders are open to all firms that are Manufacturers/Agents
or Stockists to bid and they are required to show authenticated evidence that
they have recently satisfactorily carried out supplies similar to the ones
proposed above. Only firms that demonstrate their previous experience will have
their tender considered.
The Hospital’s Procurement and Stores’ Management Policy is
“Just-In-Time” purchase and items will be bought as and when required. The
Hospital may award the whole tender or each of the items in the tender
Tenderers should submit their bid in a plain envelope
(bearing no markings), which must be properly sealed and deposited at the
address as stated on the letter accompanying these tender documents.
Tenderers are hereby informed that their participation in
this tender gives The Mater Hospital the right and shall constitute an
irrevocable authority from the bidder allowing The Mater Hospital to inquire
into Tenderers’ tax affairs with the Kenya Revenue Authority and to verify all
the information submitted.
Tender documents with detailed Specifications and Conditions
are obtainable from the Procurement & Supply Chain Manager’s office located
at the Hospital’s Administration Block, 3rd Floor, during working hours from
Monday to Friday upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 5,000.00 per
each tender category in the form of Cash, Bankers Cheque or Money order made
payable to The Mater Hospital.
Category A: Drugs
Category B: Surgical Items
Category C: Laboratory Items
Category D: General Supplies
Tenderers are required to provide a Tender Security in the
form and amount specified in the Tender Documents.
Completed Tender Documents must be received by the Hospital
at the address below not later than 10.00 a.m. on the said closing date of 12th
November 2012 in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked addressed to:
P. O. BOX 30325 - 00100,
Alternatively, the completed tenders may be deposited in the Tender Box located on the Third Floor reception in the Administration Block.
Opening of submissions will be publicly conducted half an hour thereafter in the School of Nursing-Conference Room .Tenderers or their representatives are invited to attend.
Prices shall be in Kenya Shillings inclusive of taxes and applicable duties, transport and other incidental expenses and MUST remain valid for 90 days from the date of opening.
The Hospital reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in whole or in part and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender nor give reasons for its decision.
Lobbying for the Tenders mentioned above on, before or after submission will be considered as a basis for automatic disqualification of an applicant, whether the lobbying was done by the applicant or by proxy.
Alternatively, the completed tenders may be deposited in the Tender Box located on the Third Floor reception in the Administration Block.
Opening of submissions will be publicly conducted half an hour thereafter in the School of Nursing-Conference Room .Tenderers or their representatives are invited to attend.
Prices shall be in Kenya Shillings inclusive of taxes and applicable duties, transport and other incidental expenses and MUST remain valid for 90 days from the date of opening.
The Hospital reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in whole or in part and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender nor give reasons for its decision.
Lobbying for the Tenders mentioned above on, before or after submission will be considered as a basis for automatic disqualification of an applicant, whether the lobbying was done by the applicant or by proxy.