The Central Bank
of Kenya invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for Comprehensive
Maintenance of Close Control Air Conditioners at Central Bank of Kenya Head
Office, CBK Pension House and Kisumu Branch
1.2 A complete set of
tender documents containing detailed information may be obtained from Central
Bank of Kenya, Head Office, along Haile Selassie Avenue, Department of Estates,
Supplies and Transport in 5th Floor upon payment of Nonrefundable
fee of KShs.1,000 in cash or Bankers
Cheque payable to Central Bank of Kenya or be
downloaded from the Website, for free. However, those who download the
tender are advised to sign a tender register at Supplies Office on Fifth Floor
CBK Building before the tender closing
date. Download tender documents here
1.3 There will be a
mandatory Pre-bid conference at Central Bank of Kenya – Head Office (Nairobi),
DEST Conference Room in 5Th Floor on 23rd October, 2014 at 10.30 am.
1.4 Completed Tender
Documents in plain sealed envelopes marked
with the tender number and title should be deposited in the Green Tender Box No. 3 located at
the main Entrance to the CBK Building
on Haile Selassie Avenue before the closing date and time on 29th October, 2014 at 10.30 am. Late
bids will not be accepted and will be returned unopened.
1.5 Tenders will be
opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the tenderers representatives
who may choose to attend the opening at the Central Bank of Kenya Head Office,
DEST Conference Room in 5th Floor.
1.6 Prices quoted
should be inclusive of all taxes and delivery costs, must be expressed in Kenya
shillings and shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the closing date of the tender.
1.7 Tenders must be
accompanied by a Tender Security amounting
to Kenya shillings fifty thousand (KShs.50,000).
Failure to attach Tender Security will lead to automatic rejection of the
1.8 Further information
as pertains to this tender may be obtained from the Office of the Director,
Department of Estates, Supplies and Transport (Tel: +254 20 2861000/2860000
Fax: +254 20 2863497, +254 20 310604), Central Bank Building, Haile Selassie
Avenue, on 5th Floor between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm during working