Monday, September 29, 2014

TENDER - ONE ACRE FUND - prequalification of contractors

Pre-qualification of Contractors for Building and associated Civil Engineering Works

 Tender No: OAF-KE/02/2014

One Acre Fund (OAF) is an agricultural NGO in  Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Burundi that is innovating a new way of helping farm families to achieve their full potential. We combat the hunger problem not through food handouts but by investing in farm families to increase their harvests. We provide farmers with a "market bundle" that includes education, finance, seed and fertilizer, and market access.

Our program is proven impactful -every year, we weigh thousands of of harvests and measure more than 100% average gain in farm income per acre. One Acre Fund is growing quickly and we are proud to soon represent Africa's largest network of smallholder farmers. By 2020, we will serve at least 1 million farm families - with more than 5 million people living in those families. And our farmers will produce enough food to feed another 5 million of their neighbours.

To support this phenomenal predicted rate of growth we are excited to be constructing a new global HQ office facility in Western Kenya. The vision is to create a high quality building for our great team of leaders to work in as they serve some of the world's poorest farmers. We are seeking a high quality contractor to be able to partner with One Acre Fund's operations for many years to come.

Interested contractors may obtain prequalification documents at any of our offices during working hours (8a.m. to 4 p.m.) upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Sh1,000 (US$11.21). The documents can be collected from our offices in Nairobi (The Priory Plaza 4th Flr, next to Yaya Centre, Hurlingham), Bungoma (off Kanduyi Road, 300m from IGC Church) and Kisii (Elimu Centre Plaza, 2nd Floor) or by sending email to requesting the tender forms at which point they will be sent to you. For any tender inquiries please call 0705 751767 for assistance.

Submit completed tender documents enclosed in plain A4 envelopes clearly marked "Tender No: OAF-K/02/2014" between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. These must be received on or before 17th October, 2014 at 12 noon at any of our offices.

Or via post addressing it to

The Tender Committee
P.O.BOX 482-50200, BUNGOMA, KENYA 

Tenders will be opened on 18th October, 2014 in the presence of the candidates or their representative, who may choose to attend at 12 noon at the One Acre Fund HQ Office, Bungoma.