1.0 Background The Ministry of Foreign Affairs runs the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), a department that is involved in Training and Research. FSI is currently located at the KICC but is seeking to relocate to a stand-alone spacious property outside the town centre.
2.0 Property Characteristics The property should be located outside the town centre, but within a radius of 10 Km preferably but not limited to Westlands Area, Muthaiga, Kilimani, Lavington, Langata Road, Thika Road, Ruaraka, Kileleshwa, Riverside, Karen, Runda or any other location that is convenient.
Size of plot - Should be a minimum of 0.75 acres
Accomodation - The building should preferably be double-storeyed, with a reception area, large space for training, at least 12 office spaces, conference room to accommodate a minimum of 40 participants, washrooms, kitchen, stores
External Facilities - Gate/Guard House with own bathroom, and parking for at least 20 vehicles and provide space for construction of prefabs.
Services - The property should be well served with infrastructural facilities, and connected to services including electricity and water supply (with adequate backup)
3.0 Requirements
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade invites interested and eligible bidders to forward offers as follows:
- Technical Bids - Provide technical details of property characteristics as provided above, as well as copies of ownership documents and recent official search.
- The property must meet the standards set by the Ministry of Lands, Works and Housing
- Verification of all material facts will be undertaken
- The landlord must give the inspection team unfettered access to the property for that purpose and provide any other relevant information as may be requested
- Financial Bids - In a separate envelope, bidders should submit the financial bid indicating the offer price and terms of payment
Interested parties may request for clarifications up to five (5) days before the submission date. Any clarification will be sent in writing by paper mail to Head of Supply Chain Management, Ministry of Foreign and International Affairs on Tel: 3318888 or via email procurement@mfa.go.ke
5.0 Submissions
Submissions to be forwarded in sealed plain envelopes marked "Leasing of office space". Both the technical and the financial bids should be submitted in separate envelopes marked "Technical Bid" and "Financial Bid" respectively, and should be addressed to:-
PO BOX 30551-00100
Or placed in the tender box provided at the Ground Floor, Old Treasury Building so as to be received on or before 14th October 2014 at 12 noon.
The proposal will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend at Ministry's Headquarters, 2nd Floor, Conference room.
The Ministry reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposal without giving reasons thereof.
Head of Supply Chain Management, Ministry of Foreign and International Affairs