Tender No: BCA/T/009/2014/2015
Tender documents can be obtained from the office of Procurement, Baringo County Assembly upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Sh1000 (US$11.21) payable in cash at the cash office located on the ground floor of the Baringo County Government offices (Along the Hospital Road) or in form of a banker's cheque in favour of "Baringo County Government".
Interested bidders should include the following in their bids.
- A copy of registration/incorporation certificate
- A copy of a registration with National Construction Authority in category NCA 3-6
- A bid bond security (2%) must be in form of bank guarantee from a reputable bank and in the form specified in the tender document
- Proof of adequate equipment and key personnel for specified type of works
- A copy of a valid tax compliance certificate.
Tenders in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked original and copy on the top right hand corner and bearing no indication of the tenderer should be addressed to:
The Clerk
Baringo County Assembly,
PO BOX 159-30400
Or placed in the tender box on the Lower Ground Floor of the Baringo County Assembly Offices along Kabarnet - Eldoret road, opposite KCB Bank or sent by post to the above address no later than 12 noon, 14th October, 2014.
Late applications will be returned unopened.
Submitted bids will be opened publicly at the Assembly Board Room soon after the above mentioned closing time in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. The County Government of Baringo is not bound to accept the lowest or any other tender.